
Birthday - TG

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Birthday - TG

Yuma walked to Kerina's house. She called him over for some reason and he decided to find out what it was she wanted. After he entered her house she greeted him.

"Hello Yuma."

"Hey Kerina."

"Take a seat."

They both sat down and discussed Yuma's being there.

"So why did you ask me to come here?" Yuma asked.

"Well you see, it's Kevin's birthday today and it will be occuring shortly, but I'd like him to celebrate it as Kaitlyn."

"So why don't you zap himself yourself?"

"Because, that would be expected of me and I'd like this to be a surprise. And honestly, who would expect you to do it?"

Yuma then asked a question he shouldn't have asked. "And what makes you think I won't just walk out of here?"

"Take a look at your hand," she told him.

He looked at his left hand. It was thinner -- feminine. His hair started growing longer. "All right, all right! I'll do it," he said. After that those features returned to normal.

Yuma geaded out towards Kevin's house. When he was near the house he thought about how he should go about it: long range or short range and sneaky. Naturally, he chose short range and sneaky. He knocked on Kevin's door.

When Kevin opened it he asked him, "Can I come in?"

"Sure Yuma."

He went in and took a seat. "So it's your birthday today huh?"

"Yep, nothing could ruin this day," Kevin spoke with a great smile. Yuma chuckled. "Something funny?"

"Nah, I was just remembering something from Team Fortress 2 is all," Yuma lied. He stealthily took out one of his TG knives. Then he said, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Then Kevin felt it in his stomach. Yuma threw the knife into that area. "You..."

Kevin started to shrink as the knife disappeared, his hair growing longer, and all facial features turning feminine. As the changes spread to and down his arms his shirt started turning pink. His body gained the appriopriate shape for a twelve year old girl.

His manhood sunk inward converting into the new girl's private region. His pant legs turned shorter as his legs did the same thing. It was almost complete with his feet, socks, and shoes. Lastly, the phrase "Birthday Girl" appeared on her shirt.

Yuma asked her, "So you ready for the party?"

"Yeah," she said.

"Alright, Kerina should be here shortly," Yuma spoke.

"I can't wait to see Onee-sama."

"Ay, how I get involved in crap like this is beyond me," Yuma muttered.

After Kerina entered the house Kaitlyn ran up to her and gave her a big hug saying, "Onee-sama."

"Hey Kaitlyn," Kerina put her down, "Looks who's come by to celebrate with you."

Behind Kerina, a little girl with: brown hair, horns coming out of her head, brown eyes, a furry body, a tail and hooves for feet, became visible to Kaitlyn and Yuma.

"Hi Kaitlyn," she spoke in a Swedish accent.

"Hi Tekla," Kaitlyn told the girl.

"Strange, I feel like I've seen something like Tekla before... Wait, the horns, the feet, that furry body," Yuma muttered. He whispered to Kerina, "She's a Krampus how did you-?"

"Take a seat and I'll tell you."

Yuma and Kerina sat down on the couch while Tekla and Kaitlyn started playing with each other.

"You see, I had just returned to my house. When I entered my house I noticed scorch marks on the rug. Knowing that someone or something was in I grabbed a couple of cheap vases that were perfect for the occasion and crept around the house. I started with my room and noticed the beast, the Krampus, poking around -- searching for me. I hit him on the head with one of the vases.

'What the-!'

After he spoke that I knocked him with the other one. That made  him unconscious. I tied him to a chair, dunked a little holy water on him, and made a circle of it around him. I also dulled his horns with my nail filer and trimmed his claws.

When he gained conscious he told me in his Danish accent, 'Kerina, untie now! I am working for a divine cause. Unfortunately, you have been very naughty and now-'

'It's not Christmas you jerk,' I told him.

He said, 'Look, I was behind on my quota last year so now I have to make that up. And by Lucifer, I will make that up so help me- huh?' He tried to cut the ropes with his claws but I made them to short to do anything. He said, 'Don't tell me you-'

'Yep,' I told him. 'Those horns of your are also useless. Any further resistance and I'll do worse.'

He start begging of me, 'No please, I'm already a big enough laughingstock. If you make them short I won't be able to show my face back home.' Then he aske me, 'What is it you want?'

I thought about it and told him, 'Allow me to turn you into a little girl.'

'All right,' he said. He took some undergarments off, threw them aside and said, 'This is one of the ways we are immune to your kind's powers.'

Then he started turning into Tekla. Midway through he asked me, 'It's just temporary right?' I just gave him a devious smile. He realized that he was never going to be turned back as the mental changes happened.

When he finished turning into Tekla, I told her, 'So Tekla, are you going to be present at Kevin, no, Kaitlyn's birthday party?'

She said, 'Of course, she's good friend of mine.'

'Good girl,' I said."

"Wow," Yuma said. "Hey," he had just noticed that Kerina had somehow gotten taller than him. "How did you, become taller than, me?" He noticed that his voice was high-pitched and feminine. He looked down and realized that he was now a little girl in a pink dress and shoes. "Hey!"

"Oh come on, it's not the worst thing that could of happened to you and besides," Kerina took Yuma to a mirror, "look at what a cute little girl you are."

When Yuma looked at herself in the mirror she saw that her skin was of a lighter tone, her right arm was flesh again, she had two big pigtails bounded at the bottoms by pink hairbands, and a bang on the right side of her head that curled to the left.

"I don't care. I refuse to stay like this," she said.

"But Kaitlyn's been waiting for you too. Plus, I can just change your mindset."

"And if I'm a good girl you won't huh? Well I do always feel weird after gaining consciousness from those." Yuma thought about what else could of happened and said, "Fine I'll stay like this for the party. Lucky for you I told Shiichoo that I'd probably be gone for a couple of days."

Yuma walked to Kaitlyn and Tekla.

"Hey, it's Lozen," Kaitlyn said.

"Hi Lozen, we're playing with Kaitlyn's dolls. Want to join us?" Tekla asked.

"Sure," Lozen said and reluctanlty started to play with them. "No amount of brain bleach will ever erase this from my memory," she muttered.

"The guests should be arriving in a few minutes," Kerina said. "Better get the setup ready."

Kaitlyn, Tekla, and even Lozen, had fun at the party. Kaitlyn recieved a lot of gifts including a blu-ray of The Little Mermaid, and a kachina doll from Lozen. They played a lot of classic party games and even had karaoke.

After the party everyone left except for Kerina, Tekla, and Lozen.

Kaitlyn asked Kerina, "Do you think Tekla and Lozen could stick around so we can all have a sleepover?"

Kerina turned to them and asked them, "What do you two say?"

"Sure," Tekla said.

Lozen said, "I don't even have-" Tekla showed her pajamas that were her size. She looked at Kerina and muttered, "Apparently someone forgot to mention a few things."

Kaitlyn begged with the "soulful eyes routine," "Pleeeeeease?"

There was no way Lozen could say no. "OK."

Tekla and Kaitlyn cheered.

On the way to Kaitlyn's room she asked Lozen, "Are you going to go home in the morning or can you stay over a little longer?"

"I can stay over a little longer."


"But I won't like it," Lozen muttered.

Before they went to sleep they watched The Little Mermaid, though Lozen just slept through the whole thing.

The next morning, after she woke up, Lozen said, "Oh boy, today's going to be a long day." Still, she managed to have fun.
Well, here's my b-day gift to :icondragon8writer:

In this we see a new character, Tekla the moe-fied Krampus. You can thank :iconjigglysama: for her I wouldn't of came up with her if it weren't for this [link] Also, I was originally going to have Lozen give Kaitlyn a Ne Hwas statue, but then Yuma would be crazy prepared wouldn't he?
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